My voki............

Friday, December 11, 2015

Chapter 12- “ Our Water Wealth”

11.12.2015 Chapter 12- “ Our Water Wealth”
Q1. Why cannot sea water be used for drinking or irrigation?
Ans1. Sea water cannot be used for drinking or irrigation as it contains salt.

Q2. What problems occur in India because of rains occuring only in the monsoon months?
Ans2. Rivers are full of water during the monsoon months. Therefore, there are often floods during these months. The extra water simply flows into the sea and is not stored. On the other hand, many rivers dry up during the summer months because of shortage of water.

Q3. What is hydroelectricity?
Ans3. Electricity generated from the force of water is called HYDROELECTRICITY.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Chapter 11- “ Forests of India”

7.12.2015 Chapter 11- “ Forests of India”
Q1. What do you mean by 'natural vegetation' of an area?
Ans1. The kinds of trees and other plants that grow naturally in a region depending on the climate and soil of the place are called the natural vegetation of an area.

Q2. Name four useful products we get from forests.
Ans2. We get firewood, wood pulp, rubber and medicines from the forest.

Q3. Other than providing useful products, list three other ways in which forests are useful to us.
Ans3. Forests are useful to us in many ways:-
a) They provide shelter to wild animals.
b) They prevent soil erosion.
c)They supply oxygen to air.

Q4. What was Chipko movement?
Ans4. In 1974, villagers in the hills of Uttrakhand took steps to prevent deforestation in a unique way. They prevented cutting down of trees by putting their arms around the trees and refusing to move. This was known as the Chipko Movement.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

revision ( ch-8,16,21)

26.11.2015 Revision( Ch-8, 16, 21)
Q1. What are the main components of environment?
Q2. Diffrentiate between weather and climate.
Q3. Name the different ways of sending messages through post offices.
Q4. What are three main factors on which the climate of a place depends?
Q5. How are trees useful to the environment?
Q6. Fill in the blanks:-
a) The fumes released by factories pollutes the environment.
b) The winter season lasts from October to february or march.
c)Hot and dry winds that carry dust and sand are called loo.
d)The farther the place from the Equator the cooler the place is.
e) In olden days, people sent messages through pigeons.
f) Telivison can be easily watched and live programs are shown through satellites.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Chapter 7 - “ The Coastal Plains and Islands”

16.11.2015 Chapter 7 - “ The Coastal Plains and Islands”
Q1. What is the advantage of a long coastline?
Ans1. A long coastline would be advantageous to the country as it can use it to transport large quantities of goods into and out of the country. It also encourages fishing and tourism.

Q2. Why are so many tourists attracted to Goa?
Ans2. Tourists are attracted to Goa because of its beautiful beaches and churches.

Q3. Why are Lakshadweep Islands refered to as 'coral islands'?
Ans3. Many Lakshadweep islands are made up of deposits of the skeltons of a sea animal called CORAL. Such islands are called CORAL ISLANDS.

Q4. How is it that so many people in Puducherry know French?
Ans4. At one time the French ruled Puducherry. So, most of the people speak French.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Chapter 21- “ Saving The Environment”

19.10.2015 Chapter 21- “ Saving The Environment”
1. Environment:- Everything that surrounds us, including both living and non-living things.
Q1. What are the main components of the environment?
Ans1. Environment includes both living and non-living things.
NON LIVING COMPONENTS of the environment are land, air, water, light, temperature etc.
LIVING COMPONENTS of the environment are plants, animals, germs and all other living things.

Q2. How are trees useful to environment?
Ans2. a) Trees help to keep the air clean.
b) Trees help absorption of water by the soil, so that ground water levels are maintained.
c)The roots of the trees bind the soil and prevent soil erosion.

Q3. Carrying your own bag when you go shopping helps the environment. How?
Ans3. Carrying our own bag reduces the use of plastic bags by shopkeepers helps in reducing land pollution as platic is a major reason of pollution.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Chapter 16- "Sending Messages"

Chapter 16- “ Sending Messages”
a) COMMUNICATION:- The exchange of thoughts, ideas or information between people.
b) SATELLITE( Human- made ):- An object sent into the space to travel around the Earth to send and recieve information.

Q1. Name the different ways of sending messages through post offices.
Ans1. Different ways to send messages through post offices are:-
a) Ordinary Post to send letters.
b) Money orders to send money.
c)Telegram to send urgent messages.
d)Courier service known as Speedpost top send letters, parcels etc. fast that is within 1 or 2 days.

Q2. What is the advantage of speedpost over ordinary post delivery?
Ans2. Letters sent through speedpost reach any city in India in just a day or two whereas an ordinary post delievery takes several days.

Q3. What do you understand by mass media?
Ans3. The means to communicate or send a message to a large number of people at the same time is called mass communication. Newspapers, radio and telivision are all mediums of mass communication.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Chapter 8 - “ The Climate of our country”

28.9.2015 Chapter 8 - “ The Climate of our country”

  1. Equator:- An imaginary line drawn around the middle of the Earth dividing it into two halves.
  2. Monsoon:- Winds that bring rain to India.

Question/ Answers:-
Q1. What is the difference between weather and climate?
Ans1. Weather Climate
1. Weather refers to how cold, hot, rainy, windy, or cloudy it is in a place at a particular time. 1. Climate refers to the weather conditions of a large area taken over a long period of time.
2. 'It is a rainy day' means we are talking about weather 2. 'The coastal plains are warm and humid' means we are talking about climate.

Q2. What are three main factors on which the climate of a place depends?
Ans2. The climate of a place mainly depends on the following:-
  1. Distance from the eqautor.
  2. Altitude of the place.
  3. Distance from the sea.

Q3. What kind of weather do we have during summers in the northern plains?
Ans3. In summers, it is hot and dry in almost all parts of India, except the mountains. The sun is very hot, and the days are longer than the nights. Hot drywinds called LOO blow in northern plains. Dust storms are also common in this region.

Monday, September 21, 2015


1) Stick the political map of India in your new Social Studies copy.
2) This is FA4 map activity ( 5 marks ).
3) Make an index in the new copy.
4) Do not colour your map.
5) Mark only States of India, its capitals and Union Territories. Do not mark neighbouring countries in the map.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

revision 2

3.9.2015 Revision
Answer the following questions:-
Q1. Where does river Ganga originate from? Gangotri.
Q2. On which river is Bhakra Nangal Dam built? Satluj.
Q3. Which is the highest waterfall in India? Jog falls.
Q4. Which crop grows best in Black soil? Cotton and Sugarcane.
Q5. Which is the official language of India? Hindi.
Q6. List 3 fundamental rights of citizens of India.
Q7. List 3 fundamental duties of citizens of India.
Q8. What is constitution?
Q9. What are natural resources?
Q10. Which resources once used up can not be renewed? NonRenewable resources.
Q11. What is terai? Area at the foothills of Shiwalik range.
Q12. What are the uses of soil?
Q13. What is a plateau?
Q14. Why are harvest festivals celebrated?
Q15. What are the seven sisters? Name them.
Q16. Why the rivers in southern plateau dry up during summers?
Q17. What does people in Kashmir carry to save themseleves from cold?
Q18. Which is the highest peak of the world?
Q19. In which place does villages come up in deserts?
Q20. Who are nomads?
Q21. From where does Himalayas get its name?
Q22.On which occassions folk dances performed?

Give examples of the following:-
  1. mughal architecture:-
  2. Rivers in southern plateau:-
  3. Himalayan ranges:-
  4. Fuels:-
  5. Buddhist stupas:-
  6. Popular Cities in Rajasthan:-
  7. Hill stations:-
  8. States in Ganga Basin:-
  9. Caves in maharashtra:-
  10. Types of Classical music:-
  11. Folk dances of Punjab:-


Q1. Answer the following questions:-
a) State the importance of himalayas.
b) Why is camel called the SHIP OF THE DESERT?

Q2. Define the following:-
  1. Seasonal Rivers:-
  2. Livestock:-
  3. Mineral:-
  4. Culture:-
  5. Heritage:-
  6. Terai:-
  7. Government:-
  8. Secular:-
  9. Desert:-
  10. Sand Dunes:-
  11. Deforestation:-
  12. House boat:-
  13. Basin:-

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Chapter 17 - "Our culture and Heritage"

25.8.2015 Chapter 17 - “ Our culture and Heritage”

1. CULTURE:- custom, arts, music and dance followed by a group of people.
2. HERITAGE:- Practices handed down to us from the past.

Q1. Why was Hindi chosen as the national language of India?
Ans1. Hindi is understood and spoken by the largest number of people in our country. It was, therefore, chosen as the official language of India.

Q2. Name three examples of Mughal architecture in India.
Ans2. Taj Mahal, Red Fort, Jama Masjid are three examples of Mughal architecture in India.

Q3. On which occassions folk dances are performed?
Ans3. Folk dances are performed by groups of people to express their joy. They are performed on occassions like marriages, birth of a child, festivals or harvesting of crops.

Q4. Whay are harvest festivals celebrated? Name three harvest festivals.
Ans4. Harvest festivals are celebrated when a crop is harvested. They express the joy of farmers. Some of these are Onam in Kerala, Bihu in Assam, Holi in Uttar Pradesh.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Chapter 9- "Natural Resources"

21.8.2015 Chapter 9 - “ Natural Resources”
  1. Livestock:- Animals raised by humans for their use.
  2. Mineral:- A natural substance found in the Earth.

Q1. What are natural resources? Name few natural resources.
Ans1. There are many valuab;e things in nature that are necesary for us to live on this Earth. They are known as natural resources. Eg. Air, Water, Soil, Forests, Animals and Minerals.

Q2. List four uses of soil. Which use in your opinion is the most important?
Ans2. Four uses of soil are:-
  1. Plants grow in soil.
  2. All living things depend on soil for food.
  3. Soil is used to make building materials such as brick and cement.
  4. Clay soil is used for making pots and utensils.
Dependency of living beings on soil for food is the most important use of soil.

Q3. Name four products that we get from forests.
Ans3. Forests provide us with wood, medicines, paper and oxygen.

Q4. Why is it important to save minerals such as coal and petroleum?
Ans4. The mineral resources such as coal and petroleum present on the Earth are non renewable. Once used up, they will not be available to us any more. So we should use them carefully and not waste them.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Chapter 19 - "Our rights and Duties"

20.8.2015 Chapter 19 - “ Our Rights and Duties”
1. Government:- A body of people that governs or rules a country. 
2. Secular:- Where all religions are treated as equal.

Q1. What do you mean by the Constitution of our country?
Ans1. A set of rules based on which the goverment of our country would run is known as constitution.

Q2. 'India is a democracy'. What does it mean?
Ans2. The government where the people of the country will choose or elect leaders is known as democracy. Our country is no longer ruled by kings and if elected leader does not work well, we can remove them from their posts.

Q3. List three fundamental rights of people of India.
Ans3. 1. Right to equality.
2. Right to justice. 
3. Right to follow any religion.

Q4. List three fundamental duties as citizens of India.
Ans4. 1. We must treat all Indians as equal.
2.We must keep our nation united.
3. We must protect our national property.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

FA2 Activity

1) Take a colored / white A4 size plain sheet.

2) Draw/ Paste cutout of map of state allotted to you.
 Roll No. 1 to 20 :- Any state of southern plateau
 Roll No. 21 to 40 :-  Any state of Northern Plains
 Roll No. 41 to 58 :- Any state of Northern Mountains.

3) Make border of it.

4) Paste pictures of :-
      a) Food
      b) Monuments
      c) Language
      d) Dress
      e) Dance
of that state in specific.

5) Write extra information about the state in the space left on the page.

6) Mark the capital on the map.

7) Last Date of submission:- 17th August,2015 ( for 4F and 4D) and 18th August, 2015 ( for 4C and 4E). Early submission is appreciable. Delay in submission due to any reason is not acceptable and any submission after this date will be awarded ZERO MARKS.

FA 2

1) Project:- ( 5 marks )
Summer Holiday project:-
Collage of Means of Transport.

2) Map:- ( 5 Marks )
Physical Map with neighboring countries and oceans marked on it.

3) Activity:- ( 5 Marks )
 Cut out of States of India.

4) Notebook:- ( 5 Marks )
Submit the completed work always on time.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Chapter 4

It is an MCQ Chapter

Chapter 6- "The Sothern Plateau"

3.8.15 Chapter 6 - “The Sothern Plateau”

Q1. What is a plateau? What landforms border the southern plateau?
Ans1. A large and flat area of land which is higher than the land around it. The southern plateau is bordered by the following:-
a) The ARAVALI RANGE on the north-west.
b) The RAJMAHAL HILLS on the north-east.
c)The hilly region called the EASTERN GHATS on the east.
d)The hilly WESTERN GHATS on the west.

Q2. Name few minerals found in southern plateau.
Ans2. Southern plateau is rich in minerals like coal, iron, mica and manganese.

Q3. Many rivers in southern plateau dry up during summers. Why?
Ans3. The rivers in Deccan plateau are not fed by melting snow, like rivers in northern plains. They are fed by rain. If rainfall is not good, they may even dry up during summers.

Q4. Name three plateaus which form part of the southern plateau.
Ans4. The Deccan Plateau, The Malwa Plateau and the Chota Nagpur Plateau form part of the southern plateau.

Word to remember:-
SEASONAL RIVERS:- Rain fed rivers that dry up during summers.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Chapter 5 - "The Great Indian Desert"

21.7.2015 Chapter 5 - “The Great Indian Desert”
Q1. Why are days hot and nights cool in desert?
Ans1. The climate in the desert is extreme. This is because the sand heats up quickly in the day, and cools down fast at night.

Q2. What has been the effect of Indira Gandhi Canal on the Thar desert?
Ans2. The Indira Gandhi canal that starts from the Satluj river, provides water to parts of Thar desert. These areas have now become green and the farmers can grow a variety of crops. 
Q3. Why is camel still a very important means of transport in the desert?
Ans3.a) The camel is the most useful animal in the desert.
b) It can withstand the desert heat, walk easily on sand.
c)It can live without food and water for several days.
d)It is used to carry loads, pull carts and plough fields.
e)Its milk and meat serve as food for people.
Because of the above reasons Camel is called the SHIP OF THE DESERT even though many roads are built and many vehicles run on them.

Q4. Name a few tourist attractions of Rajasthan.
Ans4. Tourism is an important industry in the region. Jaisalmer, Jodhpur and Bikaner are important cities in the region. Desert festival of Jaisalmer is famous all over the world. Old forts and historical monuments in Rajasthan are a great attraction for tourists.

Words To Remember:-
a) Sand Dunes:- Small hills of sand in a desert.
b) Oasis:- An area in desert with water and greenery.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

chapter 3 - "The northern mountains"

14.7.2015 Chapter 3 - “ The Northern Mountains”
Q1. From where do himalayas get their name?
Ans1. The word 'HIMALAYAS' in sanskrit means 'abode of snow'. A large part of Himalayan range is covered with snow throughout the year.

Q2. Name the ranges that make up the Himalayas. Which is the highest and which is the lowest?
Ans2. The Himalayas has 3 mountain ranges that run parallel to each other. Those are:-
a) The Himadri or the greater himalayas ( highest range ).
b) The Himachal or the middle himalayas.
c)The Shiwalik or the outer himalayas ( lowest range ).
Q3. What are seven sisters? Name them.
Ans3. Towards the east, the Himalayan ranges run across the seven states of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, MAnipur, Tripura and Mizoram. They are called seven sisters.

Q4. How do the Himalayas affect the climate if the northern plains of India?
Ans4. The Himalayas stop the monsoon winds from going further north, and thus bring heavy rainfall to Northern plains to India.

Q5. State the importance of Himalayas.
Ans5. The Himalayas are very important for our country. They help us in many ways.
a) It acts like a wall and protect us from trans border enemies.
b)It also protects us from cold winds blowing from Central Asia.
c)It stops the monsoon winds which bring heavy rainfall in Northern Plains.
d)The forests on its slopes provide us with wood, medicines etc. and is home to several wild animals.
e)Many rivers originate in Himalayas.

a) Deforestation:-  The cutting down of trees on a large scale.
b) Houseboat:- A house on a boat, found in Kashmir region mostly used for boating for pleasure.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Holiday homework


Read Ch- 15 “ Means of Transport ” and make a collage on different means of transport on an A4 size sheet ( any color ). This summer holiday project will be evaluated. (5 marks in FA2). For any query you can comment on the post. I will revert back asap.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Syllabus of UNIT TEST 1

Chapter 1-" Landforms of the world"
Chapter 2-"India"
2)Question /answers:- The ones which are done in copy.
3) Book exersices.


Wednesday, May 6, 2015


06.05.2015 Revision-2
Q1. Define the following:-
a) Delta:- b) Bay:- c) Physical Features:- d) Cape:-
Q2. Answer the following questions:-
a) What are fold mountains?
b) What is a peninsula?
c)What is a desert?
d)What are landforms?
e) Which are ocean bodies that surround peninsular India?
f)Why do we say that Inida is a land of vastly diverse landforms?
g) What is the difference between a state and an union territory?

Saturday, May 2, 2015


2.5.2015 Revision-1
Q1. Name These:-
a) Continent in which India is located:- Asia
b) An island country in Indian Ocean:- Sri lanka
  1. Highest Peak of the world:- Mt. Everest
  1. Longest river in the world:- Nile
e) Largest Desert in the world:- Sahara Desert
f) Southern most tip of Indian Peninsula:- Cape Comorin

Q2. Fill in the blanks:-
a) India is the seventh largest country in the world.
b) The Tibetan plateau is known as the roof of the world.
  1. India has 29 states and 7 union territories.
  1. The triangular shaped landform formed at the mouth of the river is known as delta.
e) India is second most populus country in the world.
f) The waterbody surrounded by land on 3 sides is Bay.
g) The tip of peninsula is called Cape.

Q3. Name any two:
a) Two Plateaus:- Deccan, Arabian
b) Two Landforms:- Plains, Plateaus
c) Two Fold mountains:- Himalayas, Alps
d) Two Deserts of the world:- Sahara, Thar.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

chapter 2 - " India"

28.4.15 Chapter 2 - “India”
Word to remember:-
PHYSICAL FEATURES:- The natural landforms found on the Earth's surface.

Q1. Where is India located? Who are its neighbours?
Ans1. India is located in the south of the continent of Asia. India has several neighbours:- a) Afghanistan ( in north- west), b) Pakistan ( in north-west), c) China (north), d) Nepal (north), e) Bhutan ( North-east), f) Myanmar (east), g) Bangladesh ( east ), h) Maldives( south – west), i) Sri Lanka (south), j) Indonesia ( south-east).

Q2. Which are the ocean bodies that surround peninsular India?
Ans2. India is surrounded by water on 3 sides. It has the Indian Ocean on the south, the Arabian Sea on the west and the Bay Of Bengal on the east.

Q3. Why do we say that India is a land of vastly diverse landforms?
Ans3. India is a land of vastly diverse landforms. It can be divided into 5 main regions on the basis of its landforms or physical features :- a) The Northern Mountains, b) The Northern Plains, c) The Deccan Plateau, d) The Coastal Plains and Islands, e) The Western Desert.

Q4. What is the difference between a state and an union territory?
Each state has its own government chosen by the people of that state known as state government.
The union territories are directly governed by the central government.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Chapter 1 - "Landforms of the world."

15.4.2015 Chapter 1- “ Landforms of the world”

Q1. What are landforms? Name the main landforms of the earth.
Ans1. The different features that make up the earth's surface. Are called landforms. The landforms of the earth are :-
a) Mountains or hills, b) Plains, c) Deserts, d) Plateaus.

Q2. What are fold mountains? Give few examples.
Ans2. When two large landmasses push against each other some mountains are formed. They are called fold mountains. Example:- The Himalayas, the Rockies in North America and The Alps in Europe.

Q3. What is a peninsula? Give an example.
Ans3. A landmass which comes out into the sea and is surrounded on three sidesby water is called peninsula. For eg. The southern part of India.

Q4. What is a desert? Name some of the important deserts in the world.
Ans4. Deserts are large, extremely dry areas of land. There is very little rainfall and very few plants grow in deserts. The important deserts of the worlsd are:- a) The Sahara desert in North Africa, b) The Kalahari desert in South Africa, c) The Atacama Desert in South America, d) The Thar desert in India.

Saturday, January 24, 2015